Business Bites – Running a Fully Remote Team – Recording
A webinar series of bite size chunks of knowledge, information sessions to maximise your business.
The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and Not Another Marketing Agency are proud to bring you the next session in our series of Business Bites webinars. Guest Speaker: Lawrance Titterton from NGO Business Services
About this Webinar:
This webinar will explore the pros and cons of remote working and a post-COVID, interconnected world, and the factors that have enabled us to do this successfully. Lawrence will also explore the factors to consider when working with teams that are widely distributed, in their case, across three continents.
The webinar will consists of a presentation followed by a Q&A session.
About NGO Business Services and Lawrance Titterton:
NGO Business Services is a bespoke IT consultancy that implements and supports world class CRM, operations and finance systems at affordable prices, traditionally to the non-profit sector but now also to small and growing for-profit organisations. We have implemented systems for organisations of all sizes, from 3 to 30,000 staff across multiple countries from Singapore to South Africa, Brazil to Bulgaria, Kazakhstan to Washington DC and many places in between. Our main client base is in the UK and the USA. We are passionate about corporate social responsibility and pride ourselves on operating to the highest ethical standards.