Ashford EDG January 2024 Minutes
Ashford Economic Development Group – January 2024 minutes
Andrew Osborne (AO)
Lucy Drusene (LD)
Maria Callow (MC)
Nettie Buss (AB)
Peter Heritage (PH)
Richard Lavendar (RL)
Richard Stafford (RS)
Sharon Norman (SN)
Steve Garnett SG)
Tim Sheppard (TS)
Tudor Price (TP)
As part of the wider landscape discussion, AO mentioned the new Entry-Exit System (EES). Post-Brexit biometric checks are due to be implemented in October 2024. Ashford faces the prospect of Operation Brock again. We need to make the most of the British 2 Board Minutes – Standard Format (Regular ordinary meetings). January 2024 Chamber of Commerce to elevate the challenges of this issue.
BCC Policy Framework
TP outlined the proposal to set up a Business Council Working Groups to follow five strands: People and Work; Local Economy of the Future; Green Innovation; Digital Revolution and Global Britain.
AO mentioned the importance of getting the balance of local Ashford related issues right and the AEDG being a constructive forum. Key issues in the pipeline for 2024 are:
- Eurostar
- Entry-Exit System (EES)
- Local Ashford Plan
- Ashford Borough Council Corporate Plan
AEDG together with the chamber are keen to support Eurostar coming back. AO emphasised Ashford as a location has the opportunity to provide resilience. It is better connected as a rail hub and if the train breaks it can take passengers off and put them on HS1. In addition, Ashford has space and capacity to meet new border regulations at passport control.
Any Other Business
RS shared that the commercial market had picked up and was busy and he is recruiting a new employee.
RL reported although he was officially due to step down from the AEDG if approved he would be happy to represent Infrastructure and Planning issues and feed in wider Ashford related concerns. The AEDG agreed for RL to continue to be a member. Names were 3 Board Minutes – Standard Format (Regular ordinary meetings). January 2024 discussed as potential voices on rural issues and food production.
LD mentioned she sits on a number of sector related groups across Kent and would consider who might be suitable new members for the food sector.
SN reported it is a very busy time with the tax self-assessment deadline imminent.
AO shared some outline Eurostar survey findings from over 630 respondents, overall responses were very positive and still coming through. SG reported that many businesses are sitting tight on spending and managing budgets.
TS shared feedback from the retail sector in Canterbury was very positive for early 2024.