Are You Disability Confident? Supporting Visible and Invisible Disabilities In The Workplace Recording

In: Webinars
5th October 2022

DWP are committed to supporting customers with health conditions and disabilities. There are a lot of misconceptions around hiring people with disabilities such as concerns around additional costs, increased absences, insurance liabilities etc.

During this recording, we bust these myths, showcase the support available and show how you can lead the way in inclusive recruitment practices. We know there are many proactive, inclusive employers out there already, as well as those who want to make a change but need guidance on where to start.

This recording promotes:

  • The Disability Confident campaign – working with employers to remove barriers, increase understanding and ensure that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential
  • Examples of how Disability Confident can add value to your organisation
  • How to join the Disability Confident scheme or preparing to take the next steps
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