The Infinite Game – Inspiration

4th July 2024
Tony Line

Like many people, I enjoy catching up on my reading whilst on holiday. Early in June 2024, we had a week away, and one of my books was The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. I like a mix of fiction, fact and thought-provoking books.

The Infinite Game definitely got me thinking. I am not going to review the book here; there are plenty of those around, but it helps to understand the basic premise:

  • There are Finite Games, like sports, where there are known rules, and the end-point is clear.
  • There are also Infinite Games, like business and politics, where there are an unknown number of players, the rules change, and there is no defined end-point.

By embracing the infinite game mindset, leaders can build stronger, more innovative, and more inspiring organisations. (Buy and read the book for a full explanation.)

Sinek says that to operate with an infinite mindset, you need to have a Just Cause. A Just Cause is “a specific vision of a future state that does not yet exist, but people are willing to make sacrifices to help advance towards it.”

I began thinking of the just cause, or causes of my business – The JobsBoard. It is not yet anything big or amazing, but it has already made a difference in many people’s lives. I feel that it could be a force for good in many ways. So, I have clarified my just causes (hopefully, they qualify under Sinek’s definition) and want to share them with you.

  1. The JobsBoard will provide small companies with an inexpensive but effective way of filling their job vacancies.
  2. The JobsBoard will provide small and medium-sized recruitment companies with a good value, transparent, and effective way of filling their job vacancies.
  3. The JobsBoard will provide charities and CICS with a free advertising platform for their volunteer and employed vacancies.

All of these causes are visions of a future that does not yet exist, but I and others are prepared to sacrifice time and money to make them a reality. There is no defined endpoint, but each step in the right direction makes a difference.

If you are interested in being part of any of these causes, please get in touch.

Thanks to Simon Sinek for writing such an inspiring book.

Thanks to Martin Lenz, CEO of Jobiqo, for introducing me to this book.

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