Root Cause Revolution: Problems Solved With The 5 Whys Method

18th March 2024
Matt Sims

Ever found yourself facing a persistent problem that just won’t go away? No matter how many times you try to fix it, it keeps resurfacing like a stubborn weed in a garden. You’re not alone. This frustrating cycle often occurs when we only tackle the symptoms of an issue without addressing the underlying root cause. It’s like putting a plaster over a wound – it might provide temporary relief, but it won’t heal the injury.

That’s where the 5 Whys method comes into play. By systematically delving into the “why” behind each issue, the 5 Whys method offers a structured pathway to uncover and address the fundamental root causes of problems, much like getting to the source of a leaky roof rather than just patching up the ceiling.

At its essence, the 5 Whys method is a simple yet powerful tool for dissecting complex problems to unearth their underlying causes. Through a repetitive process of questioning “why,” the layers of superficial symptoms are peeled away, revealing the core issue much like unravelling a mystery one clue at a time.

However, a curious paradox exists within the name itself. Despite its name suggesting a fixed number of “whys”, there is no inherent limitation to the number of “whys” one can pose. In truth, we can inquire “why” as many times as necessary until we reach the true root cause of the problem.

The mystery then arises, why is it named the 5 Whys method? The origin of the name is rooted in its historical development within the Toyota Production System (TPS). Taiichi Ohno, one of the key figures in TPS, often emphasised the importance of asking “why” at least five times to uncover the deeper layers of a problem. This practice was institutionalised within Toyota, and thus, the method became colloquially known as the “5 Whys.”

While the name may suggest a fixed limit, the essence of the method lies in its flexibility and adaptability to the unique complexities of each problem. So, despite the numerical constraint implied by its title, the 5 Whys method remains an invaluable tool in problem-solving, allowing us to delve deeper until we reveal the elusive truth at the heart of any issue.

How does it work?

Consider this scenario as a working example:

Problem: The coffee machine is producing weak coffee.

Why is the coffee weak? Because the coffee grounds are not being brewed properly.

Why aren’t the grounds brewed properly? Because the water is not reaching the optimal temperature.

Why isn’t the water reaching the optimal temperature? Because the heating element is malfunctioning.

Why is the heating element malfunctioning? Because it’s old and worn out.

Why wasn’t it replaced? Because there is no standard maintenance schedule for the coffee machine.

Why isn’t there a standard maintenance schedule? Because the company lacks proper protocols or guidelines for equipment maintenance.

Why does the company lack protocols? Because there is no established culture of maintenance or accountability for equipment upkeep.

Root cause: Ultimately, the root cause of the weak coffee could be traced back to the absence of standard maintenance within the company, highlighting the importance of establishing clear guidelines and accountability measures for equipment maintenance.

Here, we began with a problem, diligently peeled back the layers of symptoms by asking “why” to reveal the underlying causes. However, it’s important to acknowledge that in some cases, there may be more than one root cause contributing to a problem.

For instance, consider the scenario of a car engine overheating:

Problem: The car engine is overheating.

Why is the engine overheating? Because the coolant level is low.

Why is the coolant level low? Because there’s a leak in the radiator.

Why is there a leak in the radiator? Because of corrosion due to lack of coolant replacement.

Why wasn’t the coolant replaced? Because there was no regular maintenance schedule.

Why wasn’t there a maintenance schedule? Because of insufficient oversight and accountability.

Why was there insufficient oversight? Because of organisational restructuring and changes in management.

Why were there changes in management? Because of poor financial performance leading to restructuring efforts.

In this example, the overheating engine can be attributed to multiple root causes, including coolant leak due to lack of replacement and organisational changes affecting maintenance oversight. This underscores the complexity of problem-solving and the importance of thorough investigation to identify all contributing factors. The 5 Whys method is best employed when faced with recurring problems or unexpected issues. For instance, if you notice water stains on your ceiling after a heavy storm, diving into the root cause with the 5 Whys can prevent future leaks and structural damage.

At this point, you may be thinking “this sounds very familiar!” Well, this maybe because the iterative questioning inherent in the 5 Whys mirrors the curiosity of children.

Child: “Can I have a snack?”

Adult: “No.”

Child: “Why can’t I?”

Adult: “Because dinners nearly ready.”

Child: “But why”.

And so on…

In a study published by the International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, researchers uncovered the profound impact of the 5 Whys method in healthcare settings. Their findings revealed a significant correlation between the implementation of the 5 Whys technique and tangible improvements in patient safety and quality of care. This study not only reaffirmed the impact of the 5 Whys in manufacturing but also highlighted its remarkable versatility in other sectors where errors can be costly. By delving deep into the root causes of medical errors and inefficiencies, healthcare practitioners were able to enact targeted interventions, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within healthcare organisations. Such evidence solidifies the 5 Whys as a vital tool not only for problem-solving but also for driving meaningful change and innovation in all sectors.

While the 5 Whys offer a structured approach to problem-solving, they’re not without challenges. One common pitfall is stopping too soon or failing to dig deep enough. To overcome this, we must be persistent in our questioning and avoid settling for superficial answers. It’s also easy to get tangled up, tying ourselves up in knots if not careful. I’ve found that a great way to break this cycle is to bring in some fresh eyes, or take a break and come back to it later. You’ll find your time far more productive in taking these approaches rather than digging a hole.

Additionally, the method may lead to oversimplification or bias if not applied rigorously. To counteract this, I always encourage diverse perspectives and the incorporation of other complementary problem-solving tools, such as fishbone diagrams or Pareto analysis (for another day).

My final thoughts? The 5 Whys method is a beacon of rational inquiry, guiding us through the labyrinth or symptoms to reach that allusive root cause(s). By embracing its structured approach and fostering and open mind and a spirit of curiosity, we can unravel the root causes of everyday issues, preventing firefighting and paving the way for effective solutions.

Did you find this interesting? Is there a spark of interest in exploring continuous improvement methods for your organisation, or even for your own personal development? I offer a number of certificated learning opportunities, on site, virtual or self-guided e-learning though the Ever-So-Lean Learning Series. To learn more about how I can support you on this journey and more, visit or email me Let’s connect and explore how we can work together to create a brighter future for your organisation.

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