Memorable Branding With Physical Cards

5th July 2024
Chris Henry

Longer Lasting Impressions

I had a fascinating conversation at the last Chamber of Commerce networking event at Boom Battle Bar about the best way to stay memorable whilst building contacts. Virtual Business cards are a fantastic way of sharing details on the occasion that our paper cards have run out, we said as we spectacularly failed to sink balls into the crazy golf holes, however it’s so easy for browser windows to close and to then fade into obscurity.

I have a virtual card too, however I’ve long been a believer in the value of high quality, physical business cards, printed on recycled paper to minimise carbon output. Not only, can these be designed and printed with your company’s branding (and without the branding of the app being used), but also they stick around.

How many times have you dug out an old pair of trousers only to find a £5 note in the pocket that you had completely forgotten about before? Now, imagine somebody doing that with your business card: a second chance for your brand to make an impression? Marketing gold.

Chris Henry Photography Business Card

QR codes are fantastic for instant-access to your website

Repeat Positive Associations

How can a brand continue to make lasting impressions on potential clients once they have already been made aware of the brand’s existence? Handing out more and more business cards, of course, won’t help!

Gift cards are a fantastic way of developing brand recognition and ensuring that potential clients are reminded of the services and products you offer. Physical gift cards that actually hang around on kitchen tables and office desks are a constant reminder to potential clients of your company’s existence and, most importantly, take very little out of your marketing spend.

Not only do these gift cards remind those who initially received them of your company, but are re-gifted more regularly than most people would like to admit! This shouldn’t be seen as a lost opportunity, but yet another opportunity to make a new impression.

I have had fantastic success with my corporate photography by giving out gift cards and vouchers to individual staff members that can be used towards individual shoots for their own LinkedIn photos or side-hussles. Clients really appreciate the personal touch of a handwritten gift card, particularly in a business environment that places importance on stories, connections and values. The cost of stationary is minimal to my marketing budget (have you seen the price of Google ads?!) and is certainly worth the opportunity cost.

Business woman sitting on leather chair

A Couple of Tips

If this has encouraged you to think about using gift vouchers for your business, do bear in mind a couple of things: words like ‘put money towards’ sound better to potential clients than ‘discount’ (particularly for high-end services), and vouchers should always have a use-by date.

Do get in touch if you’d like to hear more about how I use gift vouchers, or would like some help with putting together some images for your own – I’d be happy to have a chat!

If you’ve made it this far, then you might like to know I’m have a giveaway starting on Mon 8th July. The first prize will be a gift card for a portrait shoot with 10 images included (worth £400) and a £124 voucher for a Morning/Afternoon Spa Treatment at The Granary Spa in Great Chart. All runners up will receive a prize too!

For a chance of winning, head over to my website here from 09:00 on Monday 8th. The giveaway will close at 23:59 on Friday 12th. Good luck!

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