Imago Super 60 Challenge

20th March 2024
Louise Griffiths

This year, here at Imago Community, we are celebrating 60 years of supporting people, families and communities across Kent and the South East.

Through a wide range of health and social care services for adults, young people and children, we help people to improve their health and wellbeing, tackle loneliness and isolation, build social and learning opportunities and access the right support. In 2023, over 10,000 children and 13,000 adults accessed our services. Find out more about the support we offer on our website.

Imago’s Young Carers service has changed both our lives. Finally we had someone we could turn to, someone we could talk to, someone who could help us. It has allowed Danni to be herself, to be a child with other children, without having to worry about me for a few hours each month.

In this landmark year, we are aiming to raise funds to support our vital services, and appealing to you, Chamber members, to help us achieve this goal.

Join in and take on an Imago Super 60 Challenge, any money you raise will support our vital services, supporting local people and communities to thrive.

What will you do?

You could choose anything to the theme of 6, 60 or 600! Here are some ideas…

  • Take on 60 press ups a day for 60 days
  • Bake and sell 60 cupcakes
  • Have a sponsored silence for 60 minutes
  • Ride 60km on a static bike in your office
  • Learn 60 words in a difference language
  • Complete 6 laps of your local park for 6 days

Take on a challenge for us!

We have lots of branded materials to help promote your challenge including supporter T shirts, badges, banners and collection pots. We’ll promote and thank your business by sharing your challenges on our social media channels and website, and will support you every step of the way! Get in touch with our fundraising team, email

Donate online or link your challenge on our JustGiving campaign page.

Any amount of money you can raise, really will make a difference. Thank you.

£6 – could train a volunteer befriender to support someone who is lonely

£60 – could fund a social group for Carers and help build their support network

£600 – could fund an activity day for Young Carers to take a break with their peers

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