Building A Brand On Social Media

4th July 2024
Heather Williams

When it cones to building your brand on social media, there’s actually a theory that you should be utilising.

Keller’s CBBE Model

Keller’s consumer-based brand equity model, shows the 6 building blocks you need to build your brand.

It all starts with “Salience”, who are you?. This is also known as brand awareness. People need to know who you are, in order to form relationships, opinions or beliefs about you and your brand.

Building a brand takes time, especially with social media being as saturated as it is now. You have to take the time to carve out your identity, and why your brand stands apart.

Look at Dyson for an example: In the eyes of a consumer a Dyson vacuum is much more valuable and higher status than a lesser known brand at the same price point.

When building your social media content, think about the thoughts and feelings you want to evoke from the consumer. Do you want them to think that you’re knowledgable and industry leading? Then you need to create content that adds value to their lives. Share your knowledge and position yourself as an expert.

Share information about your team, shout about their achievements, because these are all factors that sub-consciously affect the buyer’s decision journey.

For further support or guidance regarding your business’ social media, get in touch.

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