Are Retirees The Answer To The Staff Skills Shortage?

20th May 2024
Tony Line

Like many countries, the UK is experiencing a shortage of people to fill some of its jobs.
Rehiring retires could be the answer.

Like many countries, the UK is experiencing a shortage of people to fill some of its jobs.

Employers need experienced, knowledgeable people with a good work ethic. Where can they find them?

The answer may be to encourage retirees to go back to work.

Why do some people retire and then go back to work?

  • Boredom – without the routine of work
  • Isolation – no longer part of a team with a purpose
  • Money – sometimes your pension isn’t quite what you expected.

So, people are looking to re-enter the workforce – and there have always been some employers that are willing to hire them.

Both sides may be nervous about this – but it can work. Japan has adopted this approach for many years. Other countries are beginning to experience an ageing workforce and close to full employment that Japan has long been familiar with.

For some countries, solving their shortage of workers by encouraging immigration has become uncomfortable and politically charged.

Remember, retired people used to be valuable team members with the skills, experience, and attitude employers want. You may need to offer some flexibility, but you will likely be rewarded by loyalty and gratitude.

So, instead of waiting for a retired person to knock on your door, take the initiative and invite them back. Work on flexible schedules for them and maybe hybrid working options.

Don’t just invite your ex-employees back. Target your job advertising with ‘retirees welcome’ to encourage others in your industry to apply for opportunities. (Do not fall foul of age discrimination laws; retirees are welcome, but anyone fitting the job requirements is welcome.)

The JobsBoard encourages employers to adopt this approach.

Many people have their retirement planned and can afford to indulge in it. But many talented people are at a loose end, feeling they have more to give but not knowing what to do.

Written by Tony Line, Owner of The JobsBoard.

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