7 Office Design Ideas to Maximise ROI – Rap Interiors

1st May 2024
Martyn Pilcher

An office space is one of the biggest expenses for businesses. From rental costs to utility bills to finding suitable equipment, there are numerous factors that impact financial performance.

Indeed, design decisions are intrinsically linked to ROI, as they can impact the office footprint, operational costs, staff retention, and productivity.

In this blog, we take a closer look at these factors while offering actionable tips to optimise your space. So, are you ready to unlock the potential of your workspace? Here are seven office design ideas to maximise ROI…

Design for Wellbeing

According to AXA , the UK economy lost an estimated £28bn due to poor mental health at work in 2022. With people struggling with burnout, work-related stress, and general poor mental health, businesses lost 23.3m working days.

While this is a complex issue, one way businesses can help tackle poor mental health is to create a suitable working environment. Here are some wellbeing-boosting ideas:

Consider neurodiversity – As there is no “standard” brain, a one-size-fits-all office could make some employees less productive. To combat this, create an office with a range of spaces that support different working styles, like Hudl in London .
Foster a community spirit – When employees are struggling, interactions with colleagues can help to pull them through tough times. To encourage these exchanges, consider introducing a range of public areas that enhance opportunities for conversation. For example, Classic Collection offers Starbucks-inspired banquette seating, a comfy lounge, and an auditorium to boost morale.
Boost natural light – Creating a calming, bright and vitamin D-boosting space is good for both physical and mental health. For inspiration, check out Morgan Cargo’s office , which makes use of glass to allow light to flow through the building.

Related content: Office Design Trends for 2024

Boost in-House Collaboration

Good communication and collaboration are key to the success of every business. When they break down, the consequences can be damaging in terms of productivity and revenue.

Take construction company Laing O’Rourke as an example . The firm has abandoned remote working after a challenging 2023 financial performance, with planning chief Nick Smallwood citing a lack of “face-to-face connectivity and collaboration,” as a part of the problem.

When optimising your space, consider the different styles of collaboration. Here are some examples:

Social collaboration – Introducing social settings can build a strong team ethic and encourage spontaneous chats that spark creative ideas.
Focused collaboration – Offering private, distraction-free office spaces can help to push innovation and expedite workflow. Take a look at Chartway’s meeting room for an example, which includes a timber slat feature that helps to absorb sound.
Skill sharing – For skill sharing, you can go for a simple training room with a presentation screen and desks.
Scrum zones – Ideal for creative brainstorming, scrum zones can be located out in the open or in a private setting. Ideally, the zone will be situated around a whiteboard, which may be portable, mounted, or come in the form of an adaptable flip table.

Invest for the Long Term

In our last blog article on planning an office fit out , Rap Interiors director Parry Anderson advised that it can be beneficial to spend more on certain elements like furniture. This, he says, ensures longevity and reduces the chance of spending more later to replace or renew items.

Indeed, investing for the long term is another great way to maximise the ROI of office interiors. When choosing office furniture solutions, look for products with longer warranties (five years or more is ideal), as this indicates confidence in the product’s longevity.

Reduce Operational Costs

When identifying ways to reduce operational costs, making your space more energy efficient is a good start.

Here are some ideas:

• Create laptop spaces – Also known as “touchdown” points, laptops generally use less energy than desktop computers , so this offers a smart and fun way to reduce the bills.
• Reduce touch points – By introducing automated lighting and temperature controls, employees needn’t worry about forgetting to turn things off!
• Daylight harvesting – Daylight harvesting uses natural light to reduce the need for electric lighting. As previously mentioned, used transparent materials for interior partitions to ensure natural light pours into the building.

The less energy you use, the less we have to produce, meaning you can make a positive contribution to the environment.

Final Thoughts on the ROI of Office Interiors

As you can see, there are plenty of great ways to maximise ROI through office design. With some careful planning and wise investment decisions, you can create an environment that boosts both employee satisfaction and financial performance.

Indeed, everyone shares in the spoils of a good office design. For those working in the space, they will experience improved wellbeing and working conditions, which will undoubtedly make them more productive and committed. For businesses, combining employee-centric design with a cost-effective layout and practical features will ensure their investment is worthwhile.

To read the full blog click here.

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