Get Ahead! Raising Your Marketing Profile

Online Via Zoom
19th May 2021 10:30 am - 19th May 2021 12:00 pm

Please Note:
You will receive a link to join the webinar the day before the event via email, please also check your junk folder for this.

Post Covid-19 many of us may find ourselves taking stock of where we are and thinking about where we would like to be within the next 12 months. As a business owner you might be looking at your triumphs and challenges over the past year, and considering how you can maximise your business opportunities.

This session will give you key strategies to improve your marketing profile and move your business up to the next level.

About Get Ahead! Series:

Develop the potential of your business and its people

Are you an SME in Kent and Medway?

Join us for our brand new series of FREE webinars where we will provide additional support for your business through the current COVID-19 pandemic, and begin to break down the barriers related to employing graduates from under-represented groups.

We will be exploring some of the important issues that employers face in the current world, challenging your perceptions and arming you with skills that your business needs to thrive!

Zoom Security:

  • Be aware of what is on display in the background if connecting to Zoom from your home.
  • Be aware of anything gives away where you live.
  • Be aware of having confidential documents on display within the camera shot.
  • If you sign up to the event, you can’t stop people taking screen shots of the event and sharing it on social media.
  • Never ‘write’/ ‘say’ anything in chat or a ‘room’ you wouldn’t say in an email.
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