Kent Invicta LIVE: How To Boost Mental Resilience

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17th August 2021 10:30 am - 17th August 2021 11:30 am
Online via Zoom

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Join us for the next Kent Invicta LIVE series, as we are joined by John Walters and Sophie Higgins, Questae Collective, and explore the quartet of Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.

Find out what they are, what they do, why they matter and how we can get them flowing naturally.

During the session, you will also be sent some tips and considerations to apply to maintain mental resilience whilst working from home, working remotely or during down time.

About Questae Collective:

Questae Collective was founded by Sophie Higgins and John Walters from their joint passion for better understanding their own physical, and mental wellbeing. When during a shared coffee on the steps of the English seaside town of Margate, they both asked the same question;

“What can we do to spread the message, to open up and continue the conversation, to share the resources, to guide organisations to create their own wellness strategies, empowering themselves and their employees
to nourish, thrive and expand?”

Questae Collective work in partnership with their clients to nourish the whole organisation, including departments, teams, and individuals, from the ground up, creating a bespoke wellness programme from data gathered from a comprehensive holistic wellness review, empowering the organisation and its people to thrive and expand, and building a practical and sustainable blueprint that will become part of the organisation and its culture for years to come.

About Sophie Higgins;

My mental health journey, like so many people’s, started at a very young age, when certain issues went unaddressed, and led to OCD tendencies, obsessive behaviours, anxiety, and a general sensation of not fitting in. This journey is ongoing, but for the first time in my life I feel truly happy, because I have the resources, tools and desire to get back on track.

While working in the City after university, my physical and mental health deteriorated, and in an effort to control things around me, I developed anorexia nervosa and binge/purge syndrome. Through many relapses, doubts, and anxieties, I emerged from two years of outpatient treatment at the King’s College Hospital Eating Disorder Unit with a much healthier relationship with food and a commitment to connecting with myself on deeper levels. I re-evaluated every aspect of my life. I retrained as a nutritional therapist and swapped the City for the beautiful seaside town of Margate.

I wanted to work with, educate and inspire people who had experienced similar things as I had while working in the corporate sector. When I met John, everything clicked – we realised we were striving for the same bigger picture. Questae Collective was born

About John Walters;

After leaving the Army I built a successful career in office design, most recently as Sales Director for a leading global brand, working with many of the field’s most forward-thinking, and respected creative visionaries along the way.

After the breakdown of my first marriage my mental health suffered, and I left my home city of Manchester. I relocated to Margate, remarried, and was blessed with twins. However, in 2014, I was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully, I was given the all clear in June 2015, but I was then diagnosed with CPTSD, anxiety, and depression.

After the unexpected breakdown of my second marriage, I entered a very dark place. I immersed myself in my kids, but the weekends I was alone were awful, and I coped by drinking. One night, I found myself sitting on the edge of the cliff. I don’t think I was contemplating jumping, but I suddenly had a shock of adrenalin, and told myself this was it; things had to change, and it was in this compelling moment that I became interested in life – real life. I met Sophie, and we discovered that we shared an aspiration to live the best life that we could. Questae Collective was founded on these core values – wellness, wellbeing, and mental health in the workplace.

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