Free Water Efficiency Visits For Businesses

4th June 2024
Jo Shippey

Due to the need to save water in the ever-increasing water scarce south east of England, DEFRA has announced that non-household premises need to reduce their water consumption by 9% by 2038, reaching even further to 15% by 2050. This is to help secure a water supply for future generations, by ensuring businesses play their part in becoming more water efficient.

To help achieve this, free water efficiency visits are being offered by South East Water until October 2024 to non-household premises supplied fresh water by the drinking water provider in the Kent and Sussex areas. In partnership with Aqualogic, a qualified plumber will carry out a water efficiency audit of the premises, identify any internal leakage and make recommendations on fittings that can help save water, such as urinal controls and tap aerators. They will also provide a full report to the customer, providing the estimated savings these fittings and any leakage fixes will save in consumption and monetary terms. The audits and fittings are currently being fully funded by South East Water, to help as many non-household customers become water efficient as possible.

Several water efficiency visits have already been carried out with non-household customers, which has saved an estimated £58,000 on their water bills, as well as more than 24,000 cubic metres per year. This is through both the installation of water efficient fittings and the fixing of internal leakage.

A great example of the work done so far is at an office facility in the Ashford area, where the visit identified more than eight litres of water per minute being lost through leaking toilets and urinals. Through the work Aqualogic completed with fixing the leakage on-site, and installing water efficient fittings, the site is estimated to save 5,500 cubic metres of water per year, which equates to more than £13,000 on their water and waste bill. The client was extremely pleased with the service received through this scheme, and looks forward to seeing the savings going forward.

To register your interest for a visit, please go to: or email the Water Efficiency team at

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