Help With Getting A Good Night’s Sleep For Better Work Performance And Wellbeing

31st May 2024
Alexandra Gibson

How are you sleeping at night? Perhaps those end of year accounts are keeping you awake or a high stakes presentation has you tossing and turning. Or, maybe there just aren’t enough hours in the day to juggle everything and get enough sleep? Maybe that’s been going on for a while now and you have developed a bit of a sleep deprivation problem?

Sleep affects performance

Good quality, sufficient sleep is often overlooked as the missing link for physical and mental performance. We don’t seem to see it in quite the same way as diet and exercise, yet it is something we simply can’t do without. One sleepless night can result in a 30% drop in our mind’s ability to perform mental tasks. It can also be a health and safety issue with one night without sleep being the equivalent of driving while being over the alcohol limit.

Good News

Don’t worry as it is not all bad news with sleep. Studies show that sleep is linked to creativity and learning.  Sleep is a time when memories are stored and consolidated. It is also a time when we make links between learning and experiences we have to come up with innovative solutions. It is also a time when we process stress and emotion. Things always look better after a good night’s sleep.

These are just some of the reasons why I chose to help people to sleep better. We know that when people are sleeping better, they are feeling and performing better. They learn better, retain information better and make better decisions.

What is the best way to improve sleep?

The first line recommended treatment for sleep is CBTi. This focuses on improving what is known as sleep hygiene:

  • Sleep environment
  • Sleep routines
  • Exposure to stimulants
  • Thoughts that keep you awake

Hypnotherapy is also a useful addition to improving sleep as it helps to reduce anxiety and help alter thought patterns that may be keeping you awake at night.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss sleep in more detail or how your team/workforce might benefit from understanding how to sleep better.

Alexandra Gibson

Sandbox Hypnotherapy and Sleep Coach

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