County Enforcement Limited – Protester Removal Training Vs Real Thing

20th May 2024
Marc Mooney

Training VS Real Thing – Protester Removal with County Enforcement Limited.

County’s Eviction Response Team are equipped to deal with a variety of issues and circumstances and have many years experience with the removal of unwanted persons from restricted areas. To make sure our team are prepared and ready to deal with these situations, training days are provided. These training days practice all new and old situations to make sure we are fully prepared for anything protesters do.

Being fully prepared and trained, makes us ready to deal with situations such as the photo of the real protester removal. Here, protesters put themselves up a tree and refused to come down. With this being a dangerous removal, our ERT made sure they took everything from what they have trained and used it to their ability.

Can County provide you with our trained eviction response team? Whether it’s equine removal, protester removal, squatter eviction, traveller eviction or vessel removal, ERT are fully trained and have gained a wealth of experience. It is this experience that provides the exceptional success rate we have returning property or land to our clients. Get in contact with us today:

Call us: 0203 886 1024 | Email us: | Find out more:

See below example photos.



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