
In: Artificial Intelligence
Contact: Tony Walker
16 Mount Pleasant, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1QU

Lean IA Ltd (LIA), a UK-based Management consulting firm specialises in helping firms in Financial Services leverage AI and automation technologies for process optimisation. It has work with clients like Deloitte, Marsh, Unilever, Capita.

LIA providing Robotic Process Automation and Intelligent Automation services (analysis, process re-engineering, process automation development and strategy development) for clients. Additionally, LIA builds and matures automation centre of excellence teams to scale operational optimisation for client firms for both UK and international teams.

It is led by Tony Walker 15yrs financial service experience, 8yrs RPA/AI consultant, a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.

At Lean we are now focusing on providing AI and Automation consulting for Small-to-Medium Businesses who are underserved in this space.

We’re passionate about help SMBs ensuring they don’t get left behind in this new AI-age. Our ethos is:

  • EMPOWER teams
  • OPTIMISE  processes
  • DISCOVER new technologies.

Our flagship solution, Leania.ai, enables business to leverage AI and automation faster, and reduce the mundane so staff can focus on complex high-value activities.

Like an MRI scanner, leania.ai  analyses and learns about your business to provide an affordable, fast and undisruptive way to pinpoint exactly WHERE your operational inefficiencies are, WHAT technologies to use and HOW best to deploy them, to maximise ROI for efficiency and growth.

Our consulting services extend further support, offering both on-site and remote expertise in applying automation and AI effectively within your operations.

Visit leania.ai to request a demo/trial. Leania demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2oj14w2_BM


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